Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Let's Talk Music

I really like music. Can you imagine life without it? God was really smart to create it. Think of your favorite movie with no music. It could then become your least favorite movie. Think of church without it. Churches have been singing throughout history, but instruments have only entered the picture during the past few centuries. If some of our young people think church music is bad now, just think if we could zap them with a time machine and cause them to show up on the back pew of a European abbey in the middle of the Gregorian chant during the 1200's. Assuming that we could reverse the time machine and get the bewildered individual back, there would be two results from this: (1) They would certainly think that their church service is not so bad, and (2) they would be thankful for how far music and/or worship services have come.

The truth is we can't really do that with anyone (sorry for stating the hopefully obvious). However, it does make one think about music. If you were to take a poll in my church, you might get all kind of different answers as to what kind of music people like (or any church for that matter). The truth is opinions are like...well, I think you get the point: there are many different opinions on music or preferences concerning musical styles. Some people like Southern Gospel; some people like blue grass, some people like contemporary, alternative, blues, country, rock n' roll, jazz, gospel, rap, opera, pop, Christian rock...the list goes on and on, along with the opinions. Although I have heard exceptions to this rule, if I were being tortured by terrorists to give away all of our nation's secret intelligence, and they played typical Southern Gospel non-stop in the room I was tied up in, then I would probably commit treason and soon give into their demands. Nevertheless, there are many people who like it, and I say, "good for them." Different strokes for different folks, right? The problem enters the issue when people start demonizing an entire genre of music, or more appropriately a type of music. For example, a lot of secular rap music today contains nothing but filth and vulgarity in its lyrics. The lyrics and messages of these songs are to be condemned. The style of music itself, however, I do not believe should be condemned. The same is true of rock n' roll or pop music. Just because something does not have a Christian label on it does not mean that it should be condemned. If that were the case, then we should get upset about secular books, or magazines, or secular establishments. There are unquestionably immoral examples in each of these, but is someone really going to suggest that we feasibly omit going to all secular establishments, or that we omit reading all secular books. Now, it is true that we could try to be only quasi-radical, and merely cut out the establishments with bad stuff in it, but then we would eventually find ourselves sitting at home watching TBN and eating tomatoes from our own garden (although I think that is gross). I think one can see that it is hard to be consistent with any wholesale generalizing. That is why it is important to teach people to think for themselves and discern what should be rejected, and what should not be.

I guess I don't really have a grand purpose here except to clarify a few things I believe about music, and then maybe invite some of your thoughts about this as well. (1) I believe that all music can bring glory to God, no matter what genre it is. Now, that does not mean that the song is going to include the name God, Jesus Christ, or the Holy Spirit. In fact, the song might be about how much this person loves another person (oh no, this can't possibly be true). We might go so far as to say the song is just silly, or about the nothingness in life. It might even talk about the transience of human relationships. That would actually be a valid message for a lot of people to get. But the more valid question posed to me is how can something secular bring glory to God? Well, that is where the problem lies. There is no such thing as a secular-sacred divide. Modern Christianity has created that on its own. All of life should be sacred. When I watch a movie or a television show, I may not agree with every component or lesson in the movie (I am not so naive as to believe that our culture does not teach things), but I can still obtain insight, pleasure, and even discernment by becoming part of the culture. This same thought is true when it comes to music. I might not agree with every component of a secular song, but I can gain some insights and perspectives from the culture. I also know that there are Christians who have formed secular bands and are in the mainstream. How does that work as far as their witnessing for Christ? The same way it might work for a secular doctor working in the hospital, or a clothing designer working at their store. They are also getting an audience that a Christian band wouldn't be able to get. God has a purpose. I don't know everything about how this works, but I do believe in God and His sovereignty.

(2) I also believe that worship music can and should involve our physical bodies. Here is a news bulletin: Music is a physical entity. If it was all about the words, then why wouldn't we just say them, rather than sing them? But what about getting "in the flesh?" Could someone please tell me how someone in Christ gets in the flesh? Not sure it is possible. But maybe that person means that the song will be all about the movements or the body's sensation. Then we are probably going to have to sit down and explain this to our African brothers and sisters who dance with all of their physical might and beat on drums at their worship gatherings. I am certain that when David danced before the Lord with all of his physical might he was not in the flesh, but giving glory to God. It, however, was not without its criticism. His wife Michal was stricken by God with barrenness for her harsh and hasty words. One does not have to look very hard in Scripture to see all of the verses (especially written by the Psalmist himself) that describe how physical our worship should be. "Shout to the LORD, all you nations!" Clap your hands, all you people." "Make a joyful noise to the LORD..." "Lift up your hands..." "Sing joyfully to the LORD..." " skillfully, and shout for joy..." "shout to God with cries of joy..."

(3) Finally, I believe that music can be used to reach people for Christ. How? Human beings like music that sounds good. I know that is really profound, but if the music contains the gospel then it will eventually affect them. But, even if it doesn't contain the gospel, it might be a tool to attract an audience to hear the gospel. Is this a gimmick? It could be, but it doesn't have to be. Gimmicks are based on deception. This is a bridge to build a relationship with someone who might not otherwise listen. What if I like a secular band and my neighbor likes a secular band? If I invite him over to listen to my secular band's music, what would be deceptive about my doing that, if he knows I am a Christian? Then perhaps God could work in his heart. I have heard of stranger things happening.

So, what are some of your thoughts? I look forward to hearing from all of you. I am sure you will all be in full agreement with me, right? That is okay, too, if you're not, because that is what this is all about. Catch ya later.


Anonymous said...

A'MAN! God is good and HIs creation brings Him great pleasure. God made that abundantly clear in Genesis 1. Over and over God looked at His very physical creation and pronounced it good. And then at last, with Adam there naked with his beautiful wife also naked, God said-"IT IS VERY GOOD". How could this be? (is that sarcasm I smell?). God takes great pleasure in His creation for it declares HIs glory (Ps 19:1). Music is a part of that creation. God calls it very good. So when man twists God creation, they can only twists the heart of it with their heart. It is sad that so many Christians want to beat the drum of>"That music is wicked". Music conveys a panorama of emotions just as the scriptures have commanded that we display-Love God, REjoice, Mourn, Hate Sin, Enjoy the wife of your youth. God's people were created to have emotions. Emotions intoxicated with the HOly SPirit bring about great worship of our God. And last I checked our God is great and awesomely to be praised! Music is not the all important ingredient, but God has blessed us with this gift and His gifts are perfect and intend to be used for His glory. "whatever you do, whether it's eating, drinking,(or listening to music) do all for the glory (to show God as the Gloriour Creator) God.

Right on Bro!
