Monday, March 19, 2007

A Prayer Request

I have been at this pastor thing now for about two and a half years, and I feel like I know less now than when I started, although I know more about what I am not. I want to take this time to say “thanks” to all those who have helped me along the way in praying for me, as well as for my family and my church. I also want to take this brief time and ask each of you (or all two of you… is it really that many?) to pray for me and CABC during the next few weeks especially. Our leadership is really searching to find clear direction for what we are doing, and there are a lot of “irons in the fire”, so to speak (whatever that means).

Seriously, I am very thankful for all that God has done in my life, and I am very grateful for his ongoing mercy that endures forever and keeps back what I deserve and does not consume me for all of the stupid things that I have done in my life and all the stupid things that I have wanted to do but couldn’t. God is so unbelievable to continue loving me despite my great faithlessness, and so magnificent in that he chooses to use a trashed vessel like me. I thank God for all that he has allowed me to go through, because I know that without that, I would be even more proud and stubborn than I am now, and I thank God for all that he has kept me from (even blessings at times). As I write this, I have an excruciating desire to be great, and yet I know now that through God’s Son that this is not a misdirected passion. I want God now more than ever to set the people of Grant Park free. But, I know that he has to set me free first. I am longing for his goodness to infect those around me to obtain the prize of Jesus Christ.
Please pray for me now more than ever, as I will soon be taking a first-ever hiatus (a very short one) to determine what I am doing. Thanks